Join groupH in Amsterdam at EphMRA: 20-22 June, 2017

Join groupH at EphMRA 2017 in Amsterdam between 20-22 June. Erik Holzinger will be chairing several sessions and also co-presenting with Bernd Mühlenweg from Nanobiotix. Their session will explore the benefits of addressing the payer hurdle very early in clinical development, and will focus on sharing ideas and best practice.

“How engaging payers early transformed our clinical development and portfolio planning – a case study” will be presented on Wednesday 21 June at 2.45pm.

If you or your colleagues are also attending EphMRA 2017, we would be very happy to meet up. Please drop us a line to arrange this.

Even if you can’t make it, we would be happy to share our perspectives from the conference, so do get in touch if you are interested in learning more about the topics that are discussed or about groupH’s work