groupH’s Guide to EPHMRA 2024

Since groupH become more actively involved in EPHMRA at around 2018, it has been the quality of the papers that stood out for us. This does not only apply to market research in general but also to forecasting, data analytics and commercial decision making specifically. This year, again, a number of quality papers and events focusing on commercial topics have made it through the meticulous EPHMRA screening process. Here is our pick of papers not to be missed if you are attending or planning to attend EPHMRA 2024


Monday 12.45 – 17.00 AI Workshop

Speaker: Dr Andrée Bates.

Convenors: Stephen Potts, Purdie Pascoe and Elizabeth Kehler, Adelphi Research


Monday 12.45 – 17.00 Forecasting for Non-Forecasters – Challenge & Defend your Forecast, Create Value

Training: Delivered by Erik Holzinger, Alan Swindells from groupH


Tuesday 16.45 – 17.40 Organising the Forecasting Process in Large Organisations – A Panel Discussion

Panel Participants: Daniel Perret – GSK, Nich Guthrie – Boehringer Ingelheim, Vijay Pillai – Bayer, Simon Wright – BMS Arijit Mukhopadhyay – Merck Healthcare

Convenor: Erik Holzinger – groupH Limited


Tuesday 18.00 – 19.30 Welcome Drinks/Networking, Forecasting Forum + Data Analytics Forum

Venue: Leonardo St Paul’s Hotel. The welcome drinks are included in your delegate fee.


Wednesday 9.05 – 9.40 High-Power Patient Involvement: Using Choice Modelling to Inform Forecasting / Uptake

Speaker: Ludwig von Butler, SurveyEngine

Convenor: Simon Fitall, Tudor Health


Wednesday 14.40 – 15.25 Applying a ‘human’ approach to strategy development – co-creating a road map for customer engagement

Speakers: Hannah Potter, STRAT7 Incite and Lucy Mitchell, Jazz Pharma

Convenor: Geoff Birkett


Thursday 9.50 – 10.25 Optimizing launch readiness by embedding the COM-B behavioral science framework: From theory to practice

Speakers: Weike Xia, SKIM and Nassima Trad, BMS

Convenor: Sarah Phillips, IQVIA


Thursday 11.10 – 12.00 Analogues in Forecasting – Bread & Butter or Marmite? A Panel Discussion

Panel Participants: Manuel Guzman, APLUSA, Erik Holzinger, groupH and Arijit Mukhopadhyay, Merck Healthcare

Convenor: Simon Fitall, Tudor Health.


Useful links / find out more about the EPHMRA 2024 Conference:

View full programme:


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Looking forward to hopefully see you there!


Erik Holzinger, groupH, Founder & Director

The groupH Team

Organising the Forecasting Process in Large Organisations

Join groupH at the EPHMRA 2024 Conference


Erik Holzinger, Director, groupH will be convening at the following EVENT

Date: Tuesday, 25th of June 2024, 16:45 – 17:40h

Location: Leonardo Royal London, 10 Godliman St, London EC4V 5AJ

This session will delve into the complexities and best practices of managing forecasting processes in large-scale enterprises. Our panel of experts will share their experiences, challenges, and innovative solutions to organise the forecasting process, enhance accuracy and efficiency in forecasting and achieve organisational alignment.

Panel Highlights:

  • Panel members: Boehringer Ingelheim, BMS, Bayer and Merck KGaA and GSK contributing
  • Streamlining data integration and analysis
  • Leveraging technology for better forecasting
  • Collaborating across departments for unified insights
  • Addressing common pitfalls and overcoming obstacles

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and connect with industry leaders!

About Erik Holzinger, groupH:

Erik founded groupH back in 2005 in London with a big vision but starting as a one-man-band working together with several trusted and like-minded associates. He enjoyed commercial analysis and decision making and had a passion to create a unique working environment that enabled talented and self-driven people to happily go the extra-mile for their clients. This philosophy underpins groupH’s vision to this day.

Useful links / find out more about the EPHMRA 2024 Conference:

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The groupH Team

ephmra’ s Webinar: Inflation-Reduction-Act (IRA) – What is the Commercial Impact?

Wednesday, 29 November 2023 at 16:00 UK (17:00 CET)

Register here

The Inflation-Reduction-Act (IRA) from 2022 is meant to curb US drug pricing for Medicare without directly impacting on the idea of free-pricing, which seems to be a principle very sacrosanct to the US market as a whole. Will the IRA achieve its objectives? How is the industry responding? What impact will the IRA have on your forecast assumptions? This forecasting forum will start with a briefing on what the IRA is, which challenges it is aimed to tackle and which impact it is likely to have on the industry generally and on forecasting assumptions specifically.

About the speaker:

Erik Holzinger is the founder of groupH a Consulting company dedicated to commercial decision making and analysis. Erik is also active as member of the ephmra Annual Conference Organizing Committee and co-founder of the ephmra Forecasting Forum. Over 25 years Erik has been exploring and refining the approach to commercial forecasting and decision making in particular in the early stages of product development. In October 2023 groupH published a white-paper and free-to-use online tool on the IRA in order to help understanding its long term impact and its impact on day-to-day forecasting. Erik’s mother tongue is German and he is fluent in English and Spanish and lives in South-West London with his family.

Target audience: Insights Analysts, Forecasters, Marketeers and Value Leads who need to understand which factors and events will impact on their revenue forecast positively or negatively.

Any questions just get in touch:

ephmra’ s Forecasting Forum: Is the halo effect a ghost or real?

Friday, 27 October 2023 at 13:00 UK (14:00 CET)

Register here

As a student already, Fritz Meyer has been interested in quantitative marketing, economics and epistemology. Forecasting projects have always been fascinating to Fritz, as forecasts have consequences. Every forecast is different for him based on the concrete business question. During his more than 20 years in global forecast functions he has created many forecast models over many disease areas to support decisions from short planning to long term investments, from smaller decisions to large mergers. Fritz is currently forecasting a number of different products at Boehringer Ingelheim. He holds an MBA (University of Hamburg), a master in economic epistemology (Paris I/ENS d’Ulm) and a master in Market Access (EMAUD University Bordeaux). In his spare time Fritz enjoys running and playing chess.

The halo effect was first identified by psychologist Edward Thorndike in the 1920ies. It describes the tendency to make specific interference based on a general impression. The halo effect on sales can be positive and negative. Nowadays in pharmaceutical forecasting the halo effect is cited on a regular basis to explain good performance and to predict superior product success. To show the halo effect, we will look on several examples in pharma and in a second step the „right“ questions are proposed before forecasting new products or evaluate existing products. There will be ample time in the subsequent Q&A and forum discussions to address questions such as ‘Can a halo effect be quantified in a forecast?’ and to hear from your peers in the industry what they have to say about this topic.

Target audience: Insights Analysts, Forecasters, Marketeers and Value Leads who need to understand which factors and events will impact on their revenue forecast positively or negatively.

Any questions just get in touch:

Data Collection, Analysis and Communication Masterclass – Part 2



Friday, 29 September 2023 at 13:00 UK (14:00 CET)

Register here

Okke has created many business solutions, set up centers of excellence around the globe and trained many researchers and clients on advanced analytical techniques. He is a client facing statistician as he believes that direct work with client is the best way to fully understand and advise on research and analytics. He has been always fascinated in the process of gathering in-depth understanding of human thinking in relation to questionnaire content improvements for various measurements. Previously he was a chief research officer at Synovate, Ipsos and PSL group. He holds a master’s degree in Psychological Methods and Techniques of Research (University of Amsterdam).

Demand studies frequently use conjoint models as we illustrated during our Webinar #1 back in March. This makes total sense, as it’s a very insightful way of analysing the impact of multiple attributes which are shown at the same time. However, there are a number of different conjoint methods at our disposal, all with their respective strengths and weaknesses. We therefore have to decide which method is most suitable in which situation.

Please join us for Webinar #2 of this series, which will shine a light on this dilemma by offering some guidance for each method.
We welcome back Okke Engelsma from Cerner Enviza, who, during his 20 years in the UK has trained many researchers and clients on advanced analytical techniques. Okke was previously chief research officer at Synovate, Ipsos and PSL group. He holds a masters in Psychological Methods and Techniques of Research (University of Amsterdam).
There will be ample time for cross industry, peer-to-pear discussions during this session.

This session is for both, sponsors and market researchers and those more and less experienced with demand modelling.

Any questions just get in touch:


Supply Chain Forecasting Webinar July 2023

      Registration link

Following recent global events, the topic of Supply Chain has never been far from the news, even covering the pharmaceutical industry. Richard Murgatroyd has a long track record in global, commercial forecasting in both industry and agency and focused in particular on global long-range Supply Chain planning for pharma products during the past 9 years. He transitioned from being a ‘gamekeeper’ to becoming a ‘poacher’ of forecasts as he puts it. Richard will explain in general terms some of the principles of Supply Chain planning, as well as how he uses long-term volume forecasts in practice to plan manufacturing capacities. He will illustrate how demand forecasts and SC plans support decision making in the short- and long-term and also touch on some measures of reliability as from his old gamekeeper role Richard is very aware of inherent uncertainties in long term forecasting.

Both member and non-member companies can attend.

Any questions just get in touch –

The groupH Team

ephmra 2023 Annual Conference London

Join groupH at the 2023 ephmra Annual Conference, 27-29 June 2023.
Erik Holzinger, Director, groupH will be convening and speaking at the following roundtables.

Launching products that make a real difference – the critical role of MR insights and BI
27th June, 15:50 – 16:30 UK
Convenor: Erik Holzinger (groupH)
Geoff Birkett (Ensysce Biosciences)

Beyond the buzzword: can behavioral science improve pharma forecasts?
28th June, 14:40 – 15:15 UK

Convenor: Erik Holzinger (groupH)
Speakers: Ivo Moes (Skim) / Celine Talon (Skim)

Drug forecasts based on mathematical models are helpful in informing market strategies and mitigating some of the uncertainties of drug development. However, these mathematical forecast models tend to come with some margin of error. While it remains difficult to predict outcomes of clinical trials, human behavior contributes to this error margin as well. During this roundtable we invite industry and agency representatives to engage in a group discussion on whether behavioral science models could be leveraged to improve the accuracy of forecasting, what methods are already being applied, or what such methods could look like.

TPP Design in Qualitative and Quantitative Primary Market Research
28th June, 15:50 – 16:25 UK
Speakers: Erik Holzinger (groupH) / Okke Engelsma (Cerner Enviza)

Every minute in qualitative physician and payer interviews is very precious. Doctor’s attention span remains finite while typically discussion guides tend to grow ever longer. The core part of the discussion is often an in-depth assessment of a TPP whereby other topics and questions on disease environment may precede this part almost as a warm-up. TPPs are typically shared online with only a few minutes available for the doctor or payer to read and understand its content. What are the key factors to keep in mind when designing a high-quality TPP for this situation? What is involved in preparation and in maximising TPP clarity and meaningfulness? Sharing experiences of 25 years of qualitative PMR in a group discussion.

About Erik Holzinger, groupH:

Erik founded groupH back in 2005 in London with a big vision but starting as a one-man-band working together with several trusted and like-minded associates. He both enjoyed commercial analysis and decision making and had a passion to create a unique working environment that enabled talented and self-driven people to happily go the extra-mile for their clients. This philosophy underpins groupH’s vision to this day.

Erik’s early career started in Big Pharma and Generics Marketing at Hoechst in South America. His Cranfield MBA led him to The Wilkerson Group, which was at that time the leading consultancy for Opportunity Assessment work. It is there, and later at Wood Mackenzie, that Erik deepened his understanding of the factors that drive the commercial success of early-stage novel therapeutics. This understanding has been refined over the years to reflect the ever-greater needs of doctors, payers and patients. He has worked across broad oncology and CV indications but also in rare diseases and for regenerative therapies requiring new market access models.

Whether it is knowing the right people for your project, discussing your asset in-depth with doctors or payers, analysing product pipelines, or teaching a yoga class after work or on weekends, Erik is interested as much in the detail as in big picture. This insight helps to put early to mid-stage products onto the right path. It also enables him to support his team and clients who are operating in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Family life and playing hide & seek with his young daughter balances the daily stresses of work challenges.

Useful links / find out more about 2023 EPHMRA Annual Conference:

Register for the event:
Open to member and non-member companies.

See full list of speakers:

View full programme:

Any questions just get in touch –

The groupH Team

Data Collection, Analysis and Communication Master Class Part 1: Questionnaire considerations, from basic to conjoint


Friday, 03 March 2023 at 13:00 UK (14:00 CET)

Register here

Okke has created many business solutions, set up centers of excellence around the globe and trained many researchers and clients on advanced analytical techniques. He is a client facing statistician as he believes that direct work with client is the best way to fully understand and advise on research and analytics. He has been always fascinated in the process of gathering in-depth understanding of human thinking in relation to questionnaire content improvements for various measurements. Previously he was a chief research officer at Synovate, Ipsos and PSL group. He holds a master’s degree in Psychological Methods and Techniques of Research (University of Amsterdam).

Questionnaire design needs an expert skill set. There are many issues to consider, like for instance defining variables, how to ask them, how to measure them and where to place them. We’re also concerned about the technical aspects as can be seen in choosing response scales and which variables are needed for multivariate methods. A high degree of technical knowledge is absolutely essential to ensure we can answer any given research questions.

Subsequent statistical data analysis can encompass anything from straightforward analyses to very complex models. We mustn’t forget though, that our data comes from human beings who, we assume, understand the questions in the same way we did when we developed the questionnaire. Answering a questionnaire remains a psychological experience with potential pitfalls and therefore every question needs to be carefully created/reviewed with the respondent in mind.

In this forum we’ll look at questionnaire creation through the lens of the respondent. Questions, question flow, response scales, advanced analytics, etc. Fine-tuning these aspects can greatly elevate the overall quality of insights. After all, where do we place the dependent variable? Before or after the independent attributes?

This talk is for junior and experienced individuals who are involved in creating or reviewing quantitative surveys and who want to benefit from an expert with over 25 years of experience in this area.

Both member and non-member companies can attend.

Any questions just get in touch –

The groupH Team

Prof. Paul Goodwin presenting at ephmra’s Forecasting Forum November 11th, 2022

ephmra is delighted to host Professor Paul Goodwin Emeritus Professor and renowned speaker in Forecasting and Decision Analysis, on November 11th at 1:00 UK pm at the ephmra Forecasting Forum. Prof. Goodwin will introduce the topic of Possibility Theory/Fuzzy Forecasting to the ephmra audience for discussion. Chair of the event @Erik Holzinger/groupH
To join, please follow the link:

Invitation for an open discussion on Forecasting Best Practices Across Product Stages

Join our discussion on Forecasting Best Practices Across Product Stages hosted by the NPP Community on Wednesday, November 2nd 2022, at 15.00 CET.

Unique opportunity to meet and talk to @Erik Holzinger/groupH and @Morris Paterson/Genentech.

To join the event please follow: