Data Collection, Analysis and Communication Master Class Part 1: Questionnaire considerations, from basic to conjoint


Friday, 03 March 2023 at 13:00 UK (14:00 CET)

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Okke has created many business solutions, set up centers of excellence around the globe and trained many researchers and clients on advanced analytical techniques. He is a client facing statistician as he believes that direct work with client is the best way to fully understand and advise on research and analytics. He has been always fascinated in the process of gathering in-depth understanding of human thinking in relation to questionnaire content improvements for various measurements. Previously he was a chief research officer at Synovate, Ipsos and PSL group. He holds a master’s degree in Psychological Methods and Techniques of Research (University of Amsterdam).

Questionnaire design needs an expert skill set. There are many issues to consider, like for instance defining variables, how to ask them, how to measure them and where to place them. We’re also concerned about the technical aspects as can be seen in choosing response scales and which variables are needed for multivariate methods. A high degree of technical knowledge is absolutely essential to ensure we can answer any given research questions.

Subsequent statistical data analysis can encompass anything from straightforward analyses to very complex models. We mustn’t forget though, that our data comes from human beings who, we assume, understand the questions in the same way we did when we developed the questionnaire. Answering a questionnaire remains a psychological experience with potential pitfalls and therefore every question needs to be carefully created/reviewed with the respondent in mind.

In this forum we’ll look at questionnaire creation through the lens of the respondent. Questions, question flow, response scales, advanced analytics, etc. Fine-tuning these aspects can greatly elevate the overall quality of insights. After all, where do we place the dependent variable? Before or after the independent attributes?

This talk is for junior and experienced individuals who are involved in creating or reviewing quantitative surveys and who want to benefit from an expert with over 25 years of experience in this area.

Both member and non-member companies can attend.

Any questions just get in touch –

The groupH Team