Entries by groupH

Moving forwards…2017

The groupH team would like to say Thank You. This short video is an art installation bringing light / season / sound and biology together and from the outside resembles a bee hive that is made up of thousands of little hexagons. If you know in which London borough this installation is currently located, e-mail […]

Does the EU price of Strimvelis create a new ‘glass ceiling’?

The recent announcement of the European authority’s pricing strategy for Strimvelis, the world’s second approved gene therapy, is in line with the predictions groupH made a year ago in “Nature Biotechnology” – but does Strimvelis prove our point or is it a one-off? In our article, “The Payers’ perspective on gene therapies”, we suggested that […]

Will indication value-based pricing become a reality in Europe?

groupH’s Market Access practice, headed by Nicolas Touchot, has recently been part of a collaboration to research the feasibility and attractiveness of indication value-based pricing (IBP) in key EU countries. Many targeted medicines are developed for different diseases and indications with common underlying biological mechanisms. The product benefit and therefore the ‘value’ is almost certain […]

groupH in 2015 and beyond…

This year, we reached a big milestone – groupH turned 10 years old. In case you missed it, our visual communicators Michael and Marcelle put together a short video – the story of groupH as a retrospective. In addition to the many thousands of PowerPoint slides, countless spreadsheets and hundreds of physician, payer and patient […]

Enhancing decision makers’ understanding of rare diseases – a case study

In the process of assessing novel healthcare opportunities, groupH recognises that the clearest picture comes from understanding the viewpoint of all stakeholders involved. By triangulating input from patients, healthcare providers and payers, we can provide the most granular and robust insights to best inform decision making and understanding from all stakeholders in value dossiers and […]

Real World Pharma – Affordability vs. Cost Effectiveness. Impressions from 18th ISPOR in Milan

Attending ISPOR when keeping your ear to the ground in Market Access matters is non-negotiable. And this year was no exception. Noticeable to us was that many presentations and workshops revolved around two important and related concepts: affordability and uncertainty. Here is some background. Affordability is very different from cost effectiveness. Cost effectiveness is often […]

groupH is now at groupH.com

We are pleased to announce that the groupH website and all our email addresses have moved over to the web’s most recognised domain name :- .com. With the global scope of our work, moving to groupH.com has long been our aim, and is in line with our ambition to grow groupH not only in Europe, […]

The payers’ perspective on gene therapies: groupH details its study in Nature Biotechnology

Market Access, and with it Pricing & Reimbursement models, has become an integral part of opportunity assessments for novel drugs and therapies. Nicolas Touchot, head of groupH’s Market Access practice, has looked into the feasibility and desirability of a number of reimbursement frameworks for gene therapies and potential other novel premium priced future therapies. Below […]

groupH’s first family day picnic – a good time was had by all!

One sunny autumnal day in September, a group of us convened for groupH’s first family day picnic in the beautiful surroundings of Greenwich Park, London. As a virtual company, it was lovely to catch up with colleagues and other halves, and finally meet the (not-so) new additions to the families. Surrounded by buggies, bikes, kids and dogs, […]